Our happy stories ♥

"One day, after a trip, the opportunity to adopt Eros came into my life. I had never had cats, but inexplicably I decided to give it a try, because they told me its story. Now I would tell all the people to adopt because cats are very faithful beings and they make you smile when you need it most, adopting is one of the best things that can happen to them in life"

"The day I adopted her I discovered that she adopted me, and not the other way around. That he is not trash, but a treasure. That how they treat us does not define who we really are. Since then, she fills me with surprises and lessons; We have been growing together and she has been my partner in this amazing journey"

"Our bond has been strengthened from many experiences and it is a special bond. I hope people understand the kind of love that cats have, and respect this love...You can't imagine how different, interesting and beautiful life becomes when we love a being like a cat!"

"For me, adopting a cat has been like adopting a baby, the house lit up for us since it arrived, but what weighs more is knowing that I have saved a kitten from living and suffering on the streets. When I see him hugging the sheets with his eyes half-closed, I know I did the right thing by opening my front door for him"

"I thought I was the one who was going to change my cat's life by giving her a home, but what I didn't know was that along the way I was also going to change mine. Adopting sugar has improved my day to day in many aspects"
Java the cat says hi!
Did you know that cat owners tend to be healthier and happier? Not only you would benefit for having a cat buddy but also you will help us to put a positive spin on the shameful statistic that shows that approximately 3.2 million cats get abandoned each year.
If you are thinking about adopting a cat, you are in the right place! This non-profit organisation made up of volunteers will help you to find the perfect fit for you. It's all a matter of love.
Our mission and Goals
Java The cat is a non-profit organization led by a group of volunteers who seek to overcome the situation of overpopulation, abandonment, cruelty and indifference that millions of animals experience in our Dublin. We promote an attitude of respect towards all cats, understanding that they are not "things" to be used by human beings.

Meet our lovely cats ♥
Age: 01/01/2021
Sex: Male
Age: 14/01/2019
Sex: Male
Age: 15/06/2020
Sex: Female
Age: 01/05/2020
Sex: Female
Age: 18/02/2019
Sex: Male
Age: 15/08/2021
Sex: Male
Age: 03/01/2019
Sex: Male
Age: 27/06/2018
Sex: Female
Age: 10/11/2018
Sex: Female
Age: 21/03/2020
Sex: Female
Age: 18/09/2019
Sex: Female
Age: 02/11/2021
Sex: Female
Visiting Java the Cat, you are joining a family of cats that need a house and will be happy to meet you all. We will help you through the proccess of choosing a cat, getting all the information you require, the pre-adoption procedure... We will be with you from the start till the moment your cat(s) and you are happy and together!
If you can't have a cat at home right now, we will also offer you multiple ways to spend a funny day with us and meet our family. Thanks for your visit!
How can I help?

